It’s Been a While

Well, it’s been a long long time since I have posted anything. I tend to post on Instagram and Facebook because they are more immediate. But not all of you are on those platforms. Plus it’s nice to spread out a bit here as there are no restrictions and I can basically do what I want. So there!

I hope you all had a great holiday season and that your respective new years are going swimmingly. Mine is busy but going well. I have been spending time and money outfitting the studio. I purchased some new monitors, which I’m very excited about. They sound wonderful and accurate (not always the same thing) and will make mixing much easier.


The studio has also been decorated (thanks Laura!) And you can see the lounge area here:

Additionally, I had the bushings replaced on the piano. The instrument dates from around 1914 so it was about time. It feels great to play now. There is further maintenance to be done on it, but one thing at a time.


And it’s amazing what you find in old pianos…not enough money to retire (and none from 1914 dang it), but lots o guitar pics and even that damn missing puzzle piece!

I have also been writing a bit and preparing to release a collection of older songs into the world so stay tuned for that. (See my last post for a new song preview).

Finally, as part of our living room decor, we bought a martini glass/cat tree, as one does! Maggie is quite impressed. So…cheers everyone!



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